JLPS Hosts Keenly Contested Cross Country Relay
The Jocelyn Liburd Primary school hosted the first in a series of cross country events when they hosted the much anticipated cross country relay on Wednesday 28th January.

There were two separate races for the boys and the girls.
The race started on the Hardtimes road , next to the Gingerland Pre- school, proceeded through Rawlins, making a left turn at the top of the road past ‘Blackie’s disco’ and then past Old Manor and back onto the main road at Market Shop and then onto the School.
In the girls race, there was a close finish between the red house athlete and the green house athlete who appeared to burn out not far from the finish line.
The boys race was even more intense and the Green house athlete and the Blue house athlete were in a dead heat as they raced past the Gingerland Health Center.
Then it happened as the Blue house athlete apparently developed a problem with his trousers and spent some critical time concentrating on keeping it on and in the interim the Green house athlete took back over the lead and held on to the end.
The overall results are as follows:
1st place—Red house—10 points
2nd place—Blue house-7 points
3rd place—Green House—5 points
1st place-Green house—10 points
2nd place- Blue house -7 points
3rd place—Red house—5 points
Points from Cross country relay—5 points
Red house-15
Green house—15
Blue house—14