Nevis Unveils Exciting New Returning National/Diaspora Investment Policy Offering Substantial Concessions

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS -The Nevis Island Administration (NIA) has launched an exciting new Returning National/Diaspora Investment Policy which boasts a comprehensive package of fiscal concessions offering significant benefits for returning nationals and investors.

This initiative is designed to encourage and attract retirees, nationals, persons with ancestral roots in Nevis, and members of the Diaspora to return to Nevis to live and invest.

The concessions include exemptions on Customs Duties for personal items, vehicles, construction materials, furniture, and tools for business startups. Special provisions also apply to those investing in priority sectors such as specialized medical care with an emphasis on diagnostic services; information technology/ICT development; hotel development, alternative/green energy consultations, sales and installation; light manufacturing; professional services including accounting, auditing, construction management, and architecture; call or contact center operations; agro-processing; recycling and waste disposal; and agriculture, among others.

For individuals of Nevisian descent who do not hold a St. Kitts and Nevis passport but can demonstrate ancestral ties through a parent, grandparent, or great-grandparent, the Alien Landholders License (ALHL) fee of 10 percent on real estate purchases will be waived. These applications will be processed within 14 days.

Applicants starting or acquiring businesses on Nevis will benefit from additional incentives, including corporate tax exemptions, reduced work permit fees for foreign workers (where local skills are unavailable), and waived or discounted business license fees. A minimum investment of US$100,000 is required to qualify for these business concessions.

While the policy offers generous exemptions, Value Added Tax (VAT), Customs Service Charges, and Environmental Levy (where applicable) remain payable. Additionally, duty-free concessions cannot be combined with VAT reduction days.

The NIA is committed to ensuring the success of this policy by fostering economic growth, attracting investment, and strengthening ties with the Nevisian Diaspora. The overarching goal is to create a streamlined, attractive, and seamless process for re-integration and investment into Nevis.

To facilitate this, the NIA has established a dedicated unit under the Ministry of Finance to address all aspects of the policy. This unit will serve as a “one-stop shop,” providing direct support and acting as a liaison for individuals wishing to return to Nevis.

For more information, individuals can contact the Ministry of Finance on Main Street, Charlestown, via email at or by calling 1(869)469-0078/469-5521.

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