SPBS Recognizes Talent and Pushes More Funds Into Education

The Sandy Point Benevolent Society (SPBS), a Sandy Point High School/Charles E. Mills Secondary School alumni association based in New York, continues to support greater academic achievements in education in St. Kitts.

Focused on its motto, “Empowerment through educaon”, the organisation continues to give back in significant ways.

The group endeavours to motivate current students and recent graduates of their alma mater to pursue greater academic goals. This has become even more evident in the three awards that SPBS has recently instituted.

For the past 15 years, SPBS scholarships have been eligible to the best students being admitted to the high school in Sandy Point. Now, the focus has been extended to motivating those graduates of the school.

The first of the new scholarships is dubbed the ‘SPBS College Scholarship Award’. This award was launched last year and was eligible to any alumnus of SPHS/now CEMSS who is currently pursuing baccalaureate level or masters level studies.

Mrs. Sharine Hodge, a locally certified primary school teacher, is the first recipient of this award which provides an injection of US$1000.00 aimed at assisting in her educational pursuits during the 2013 – 2014 academic year. Mrs. Hodge is currently majoring in Elementary Education at Cameron University where she is completing a Bachelor’s degree.

SPBS looks forward to Sharine’s successful completion of her studies, her return to the federation to assist with community development, and her efforts to enhance the quality of education being delivered in the federation.

SPBS’ genuine support of education also saw two other awards being introduced. The two awards are eligible to Principal Award recipients who produce exemplary results at the end of their stint at the Charles E. Mills Secondary and the Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College respectively.

Former Principal of the Sandy Point High School and current Vice President of SPBS, Mr. William Hodge stated, “intent of these awards is to serve as an incentive for CEMSS students who receive the SPBS Principal’s Award to continue on a path of academic excellence.”

Ms. Zonique Brown received the award for exemplary performance by a Principal Award’s recipient at the end of form 5 of the Charles E. Mills Secondary School. Zonique attained passes in 11 CXC-CSEC subjects with distinction in 9. The award presented to Ms. Brown consisted of a cash prize of US $400.00 and a plaque. Zonique Brown was the recipient of the SPBS SANDY POINT BENEVOLENT SOCIETY 231-10 LINDEN BOULEVARD JAMAICA, NY 11411 FROM THE OFFICE OF THE public relations officer (267) 664-2394 stewart.williams@spbsinc.org or stewartwilliams@dow.com
Principal’s Award in 2008.

2 setAt the Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College level, the SPBS introduced its award for exemplary CAPE results by a SPBS Principal’s Award Recipient. Receiving this award was Ms. Jelees Dolphin who graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Division of Arts, Science and General Studies. She attained an Associate Degree in Natural Sciences.

Ms. Dolphin’s award entails a plaque and a cheque for US$500.00. Jelees was the recipient of the SPBS Principal’s Award in 2006.



3 set 2Both Jelees Dolphin and Zonique Brown received their awards during a simple but profoundly meaningful ceremony that was held at the Burdon Street campus of the Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College.

Dr. Kelvin Daly, President of the CFBC, presented the awards in the presence of CFBC Registrar, Ms. Yasmaine Davis, a few members of faculty, and SPBS local representatives, Mr. Stephen Duggins and Ms. Stacy Gumbs.




4 setMs. Dolphin and Ms. Brown were commended for their outstanding performance and encouraged to keep the college motto, Ad Summa Semper Nitens-Always striving for excellence – as their personal motto in their respective fields.

The distinguished ladies were also reminded of the need to remain positive young people and to promote personal development among their peers. The SPBS is extremely grateful to the President of the CFBC for presenting the awards and looks forward to other opportunities to foster youth empowerment through education. *****************************************************************************
The Sandy Point Benevolent Society (SPBS) is a not- for- profit organization which functions as an alumni association of the Sandy Point High School (now the Charles E. Mills Secondary School). Its members embrace a mission of supporting educational institutions and positive youth activities within the breadth of communities served by the Charles E. Mills Secondary School. In the past, SPBS introduced the SPBS Principal’s Award which is a monetary prize given to the valedictorians entering Form One of the Charles E. Mills Secondary School from the Sandy Point, St. Paul’s and Newton Ground Primary Schools.

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